MONDAY 13TH NOV | 1 - 2pm (NSW TIME)
Screenworks are pleased to welcome Joany Sze and Lauren Valmadre from AIDC to deliver this online session, a must for any factual creator who wants to know how to put their best foot forward for the range of AIDC 's upcoming opportunities and how to get the most of their AIDC conference experience.
AIDC is the most inspiring annual gathering in the Australian documentary and factual industry calendar and is happening in Melbourne / Naarm from 3-6 March 2024, with an additional online marketplace taking place 7-8 March 2024.
A limited number of discounted early bird passes are available until 08 November. AIDC's registration pass types are designed to cater for all experience levels and access requirements.
Screenworks members can expect to find out more about the wildly popular conference, why they should be attending and what opportunities should they be taking advantage of now to enrich their AIDC experience in March 2024. Joany and Lauren will talk through the following open initiatives:
LEADING LIGHTS applications close 10th Dec 2023
Leading Lights is a philanthropic funding initiative designed to enable emerging and diverse practitioners to attend AIDC for the first time and participate in a customised professional development program.
FACTORY PITCH applications close 19th Nov 2023
AIDC's international pitching forum for new documentary and factual projects. Projects in development, production and rough cut stage with strong international market appeal will have the opportunity to pitch their project to a world-class line-up of Australian and international commissioners, sales agents, funders, and distributors at AIDC 2024.
FRESH CUTS applications close 16th Nov 2023 (soon!)
The 2024 Fresh Cuts Documentary Pitch is calling for documentaries in development that present distinctive and bold stories reflecting a diversity of interests, concerns, dreams, and desires, that will appeal to and engage audiences aged 15-35.
Three teams will be in the running for up to $30,000 in development funding from Screen Australia for their project.
CUT TO THE CHASE applications close 28th Jan 2024
Do you have a pitch-ready project for AIDC? Cut to the Chase is AIDC's curated marketplace, carefully matching producers and decision makers for optimum outcomes with no time-wasting. Held both in-person and online, Cut to the Chase allows decision makers and projects to make meaningful connections through one-on-one meetings.
We encourage producers and filmmakers of any level to attend. You might have heard of AIDC and wondered if it's right for you to attend, you might have pitches ready to submit to one of the above programs and use this information to give you an edge, or you might be hearing about these initiatives for the first time and want to know more.
Come one, come all, we will open the sessions up for your burning questions at the end!
Tickets are FREE for Screenworks members and $25 for non members (If you are interested in this event, you would probably get a lot out of a Screenworks membership. You get a lot of bang for your buck! Check it out)
Partnerships & Industry Development Manager at Australian International Documentary Conference
More Information
Member Price
You are a Screenworks Member and entitled to a FREE TICKET
Standard Price
You are not a member, this ticket is $25. You should consider joining Screenworks and it would be free!