Join Dr Belinda Burns from Screen Queensland, Jennie Hughes from Screen Territory, Monica Penders from Screen Canberra and Beth Neate from South Australian Film Corporation as we sit down and have lunch together.
Would you like to join us for lunch?
Screenworks is presenting a series of three webinars featuring representatives from each state and federal funding body showcasing their initiatives and funding opportunities and providing insight into current trends and issues in the screen sector. The webinar series will be a chance for Screenworks members and regional practitioners around the country to tune in over lunchtime to hear the latest from their funding bodies.
Each webinar will run for 1.5 hours and our speakers will be asked for tips and advice on how to be successful with funding, and then we will facilitate a general Q&A session.
It's your opportunity to ask your questions about the industry from your funding bodies. To get the most from the session, we recommend taking a look at the agencies' websites. This is a great way to target your questions in response to the information that's already available online.
WEBINAR #1: Wednesday 26th April 12.30-2pm (AEST). Screen NSW, VicScreen, Screen Tasmania, Screenwest
We will be joined by Lauren Edwards from Screen NSW, Chris Veerhuis from Screenwest, Caroline Pitcher from VicScreen and Alex Sangston from Screen Tasmania.
WEBINAR #2: Thursday 27th April 12.30-2pm (AEST). Screen QLD, Screen Territory, Screen Canberra, SAFC
We will be joined by Dr Belinda Burns from Screen Queensland, Jennie Hughes from Screen Territory, Monica Penders from Screen Canberra and Beth Neate from South Australian Film Corporation
WEBINAR #3: Friday 28th April 12.30 - 2pm (AEST). Screen Australia
Join the team from Screen Australia, Lee Naimo, Christopher Sharp, Bobby Romia, Alex West and Angela Bates
Regional member - one webinar $10 or all 3 webinars $25
Metropolitan member - one webinar $15
General Admission - one webinar $25
Become part of the Screenworks Family
Have you considered becoming a member? You could buy yourself a fancy lunch with the savings you would make on this Webinar!
Member Price
You are a Regional Member of Screenworks and have access to discounted rates - $10.00 incl. GST.
Member Price
You are a Metropolitan Member of Screenworks and have access to discounted rates - $15.00 incl. GST.
Standard Price
You are not a member of Screenworks - $25.00 incl. GST
Member Price
You are a Regional Member of Screenworks and are purchasing a ticket to all 3 parts of the "LUNCH WITH THE FUNDERS" webinar series - $25.00 incl. GST.