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Membership Benefit:

Screenworks Member Consultations!


As part of Screenworks' Consult program, Industry Development Manager Jeanie Davison will be available one day each month for five bookable Regional Member Consultations. 

These half-hour slots, which can be booked via Glue Up on a first come first served basis, are available to current Screenworks Regional Members who would like to get some general and friendly advice on making the most of their membership, ways to progress or focus their screen careers, or avenues for connecting with other screen practitioners. 

Consultations will take place via Zoom - just bring a cuppa! The block of bookable slots will be available on the afternoon of Wednesday 17 November between 2pm and 5pm*. Future blocks will be released approximately two weeks in advance of the consultation dates.

*One slot per person, do not book more than one time. Screenworks reserves the right to cancel bookings. Members may request one Member Consultation per year.

Disclaimer: The information and advice given during these member consultation sessions is general in nature and does not take into account all the personal details in relation to a participant's situation. The participant should consider whether the information is appropriate to their needs, and where appropriate, seek professional advice. Screenworks will not accept any liability for any actions that the participant takes as a result of the information or advice given during the member consultation sessions. Any advice given on matters referred to in a member consultation session is of a general nature only and should not be relied upon in place of appropriate professional advice.


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