FREE For Screenworks and WIFT members
TUESDAY 26th MARCH | 1 - 2pm (NSW TIME)
Join us for a women and super webinar
In recognition of International Women's Day 2024, we invite you to attend a webinar that's all about women and super. Research shows that women tend to retire with 25% less super than men, with the median balance for those aged 60 to 64 at $211,996 for males and $158,806 for females.(1)
Topics covered include:
How to take control of your super
Why women accumulate less super & how to close the gap
Strategies to boost your super
What a comfortable retirement looks like
Why women accumulate less super
There are several factors that contribute to this. Women are more likely to take more time out of paid work to have families, they're more likely to work part-time and generally, they're paid less.2&3
Women also live longer than men(4), which means it's even more important that they have enough super to last their retirement
We encourage all of our female members to attend, (men are welcome too!). This is a fantastic opportunity to hear from the Industry Insiders to find out what you can do to put yourself in the best position to boost your Super.
Come one, come all, we will open the sessions up for your burning questions at the end!
Tickets are FREE for Screenworks members and WIFT members or $10 for non members (If you are interested in this event and not yet a member, you would probably get a lot out of a Screenworks membership. You get a lot of bang for your buck! Check it out). You don't need to be a media super member to attend.
WIFT members email '' to receive your complimentary code.
About the Host
Alex Rippon – Education Specialist
Alex's role is to deliver concise seminars and webinars on the fundamentals of superannuation and to assist members one-on-one with their questions. Alex has worked at Cbus for six years and in financial services for 15. A recent paper attributed 8.5% of the gender retirement gap to financial literacy and so she is passionate about educating all members to help them achieve their retirement goals.
This information is about Media Super. It doesn't account for your specific needs. Please consider your financial position, objectives and requirements before making financial decisions. Read the Employer Handbook, relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and Target Market Determination to decide what's right for you. Call 1800 640 886 or visit
1 The Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia, ASFA Research: An update on superannuation account balances, November 2023,
2 Workplace Gender Equality Agency, Women's economic security in retirement Insight Paper, February 2020,
3 Workplace Gender Equality Agency, Australia's Gender Equality Scorecard, December 2022,
4 Australian Bureau of Statistics, Life expectancy hits a new high, 4 November 2021,
Member Price
You are a Screenworks Member and entitled to a FREE TICKET
Standard Price
You are not a member, this ticket is $10. You should consider joining Screenworks and it would be free!
Standard Price
You are a WIFT member. This ticket is free